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How to Make Clothing From Wood with Lenzing and Reformation

  • Source of Good Podcast

Trees are more than just bark, branches, and leaves. They contain a secret ingredient that is critical to a more sustainable fashion industry. In this episode, Thomas Matiz, Product Sustainability Specialist at Lenzing Group, takes us into a fairy tale world where responsibly managed forests become fabric. Except, it’s not magic. It’s science.

December 04, 2024

Rachel Lincoln Sarnoff: In the region of Upper Austria, there’s a town called Lenzing.

Thomas Matiz: It’s a rather little village but in a rather beautiful area surrounded with mountains and lakes and close to forests.

RLS: Picture a landscape straight out of a fantasy book, complete with castles.

TM: I’ve been here in this area now for only five years but I’m enjoying it very much. I’m glad to be this close to nature.

RLS: Thomas Matiz is the product sustainability specialist at Lenzing Group, a textile manufacturer that produces some of the most innovative and sustainable fabrics in the world. But here’s the thing: they’re made out of wood. How and why would a company want to make clothes out of wood? Stick around to find out…pun intended.

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To learn more about Lenzing, visit

Check out Reformation’s line of TENCEL-based clothing at

Produced by Cascale and Hueman Group Media.

Views and opinions expressed during the podcast are those of the individuals expressing them and do not necessarily reflect those of Cascale or Hueman Group Media.

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