Reflections on Our Annual Meeting: A Community Coming Together

  • Annual Meeting
The Cascale team on stage for a celebratory photo at the Cascale Annual Meeting 2024
Black and white headshot of Lee Green
Lee Green
September 18, 2024

Reflecting on our Annual Meeting, I’m filled with immense pride—not just in the impactful work we do, but in the vibrant, engaged community that shows up, ready to contribute and collaborate.

This year, the energy was undeniable. From packed sessions to hands-on workshops and interactive elements, the commitment to learning and leading was clear. It wasn’t just about listening; it was about being an active participant in shaping the future of our industry.

Key Takeaways: Unified Action and Bold Commitments

One of the strongest messages that resonated throughout the event was the need for unified action and accountability. We heard loud and clear that to truly make progress, our industry must reduce duplicative efforts and focus on measurable goals—whether that’s through decarbonization, social governance, or transparency initiatives.


Colin Browne on stage during his opening address at the Cascale Annual Meeting 2024

Colin Browne


Colin Browne’s call for leadership was a highlight, reminding us all that real change requires stepping up, taking bold actions, and moving beyond facilitation. Leveraging data through the Higg Index, which is exclusively available on Worldly, and targeting key suppliers to address the majority of impacts were recurring themes. This idea of leadership was echoed across multiple sessions, urging us all to be more decisive and impactful in our roles.


Miran Ali on stage during his keynote at the Cascale Annual Meeting 2024

Miran Ali

Worker-Centric Approaches and Innovation

Another powerful theme was the critical importance of prioritizing workers’ rights and safety. Miran Ali and others emphasized that addressing social justice is as vital as tackling environmental goals, and worker voices must be at the heart of our conversations. This worker-centric approach, alongside the push for innovation and collaboration—from new decarbonization pathways with suppliers to expanding the Higg Index’s application beyond apparel—showed that our community is not just thinking about change, but actively engineering it.

Global Challenges, Local Actions

We also explored the importance of addressing global challenges with localized strategies. Whether through renewable energy initiatives in Bangladesh or focused decarbonization efforts at top-emitting facilities, the emphasis was on translating big-picture goals into tangible, local actions. Ilishio Lovejoy’s session on fair process reminded us that equitable engagement and centering voice, transparency, and impartiality in our decision-making processes are key to building trust and genuine collaboration.


Cascale Annual Meeting Workshop

A Community I’m Proud Of

But beyond the themes and takeaways, what stood out most was the palpable sense of community—a diverse group of passionate individuals coming together with a shared vision. Seeing everyone actively engage, whether in person or virtually, reinforced the importance of these gatherings. They are more than just events; they are moments of collective momentum. This was further emphasized by the work of our friends at Worldly, who hosted their first Worldly Customer Forum immediately after the Annual Meeting.


A Moment of Celebration with the Team


And while I’m incredibly proud of the insights and actions our community is driving, I’m even more proud of my team. Christina Fleming, Carmel Tenenbaum, and Yael Asher, your dedication, creativity, and sheer hard work made this event not just a success, but a truly memorable experience. Thanks, too, to all my colleagues at Cascale, who have supported throughout. You’ve all gone above and beyond, and I couldn’t ask for a better team to work alongside.


Isabelle Kumar on stage during her closing remarks at the Cascale Annual Meeting 2024

Isabelle Kumar


Thank you to everyone who attended and contributed, including the wonderful Isabelle Kumar, our event emcee. Your collective presence and engagement make all the difference, and I’m excited to see how we carry this momentum forward. Here’s to continuing the work, together!

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