Brand & Retail Forum: Brussels

  • Cascale Event

Join us on December 4 & 5 in Brussels, Belgium for the unique opportunity to connect with EU policymakers and industry leaders, and explore the future of sustainability in the consumer goods industry.

December 04 2024 | 09:00 - 18:00 (CET)
Brussels, Belgium
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Brand & Retail Forum: Brussels 2024

December 4, 2024 | Sofitel Brussels Europe Hotel

As the EU embarks on a new five-year electoral mandate, this forum is your opportunity to connect with policymakers and industry leaders, and explore concrete actions for a sustainable transition in the consumer goods industry.


Dr. Amaryllis Verhoeven

Acting Director, Tourism, Textiles, Digital Transformation of Industry and Social Economy, European Commission (DG GROW)

Pascal Brun

Vice President of Sustainability and D&I, ZALANDO SE

Andrew Martin

执行副总裁, Cascale

Adrián Branco

Higg 指数品牌与零售高级经理, Cascale

Amanda Soler Guzmán

Advocacy & Engagement Advisor, amfori

António de Sousa Maia

Legal & Policy Officer, European Commission (DG GROW)

Bernhard Frey

Sustainability Reporting Senior Technical Manager, EFRAG

Chelsea Murtha

Senior Director, Sustainability, AAFA

Dan Dionisie

Head of Unit, Company Law, European Commission, DG Justice and Consumers

Dorothy Lovell

Garment and Footwear Lead, OECD Centre for Responsible Business Conduct

Elisabeth von Reitzenstein

公共事务高级总监, Cascale

Gabriele Ballero

Manager, Public Affairs, Cascale

Greta Koch

Parliamentary Assistant to Axel Voss MEP, European Parliament

Hannah Lennett

Stakeholder Engagement Director, Open Supply Hub

Isabelle Maurizi

Director General, European Branded Clothing Association (EBCA)

Jeannette Baljeu

MEP, VVD delegatie in het Europees Parlement/Renew Europe

Jeremy Lardeau

Higg 指数副总裁, Cascale

Katarzyna Sulisz

Senior Policy Officer, Federation of the European Sporting Goods Industry (FESI)

Kate Frisby

Legal Analyst on Corporate Sustainability Reporting and Sustainable Finance, European Commission (DG FISMA)

Krishna Manda

企业可持续副总裁, 兰精股份有限公司 (Lenzing Aktiengesellschaft)

Lara Wolters

Group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament, Member of the European Parliament

Lisa Süss

Head of Industry Alignment, Fair Wear Foundation

Magnus Dorsch

企业可持续发展主管, About You 公司

Marie-Pierre Vedrenne

Renew Europe Group, Member of the European Parliament

Matjaz Malgaj

Head of Unit, ESPR, European Commission (DG ENV)

Quinten Geleijnse

Higg 产品工具经理, Cascale

Romane Malysza

Public Affairs Strategist, Textile Exchange

Dr. Sarah Gray

Lead Research Analyst - Textiles, WRAP

Stephanie Schretlen

Head of EU Public Affairs, H&M

Tom Mason

公共事务与利益相关者参与高级经理, SLCP

Program Information

  • December 4, 2024
8:00 上午 - 9:00 上午

Coffee & Registration

9:00 上午 - 9:05 上午

Welcome to the Brand & Retail Forum: Brussels


  • Headshot of Gabriele Ballero
    Gabriele Ballero, Manager, Public Affairs, Cascale

    Gabriele Ballero is the Manager of Public Affairs at Cascale. He supports the Senior Director of Policy & Public Affairs in coordinating and undertaking key work streams of Cascale Public Affairs Strategy, delivering widespread and effective government engagement and education to ensure that Cascale and the global consumer goods industry gives more than it takes. He is based in Brussels, Belgium.

9:10 上午 - 9:25 上午

Opening Remarks

Join us for the opening address by Cascale’s Executive Vice President, Andrew Martin, as he highlights the critical role of regulation in shaping the future of sustainability tools like the Higg Index. Andrew will discuss how evolving policies in the EU and across the globe are driving the need for robust, data-driven solutions to measure and manage environmental and social impacts in the consumer goods sector. His remarks will underscore the importance of aligning Cascale’s tools with regulatory requirements, ensuring that businesses are equipped to navigate these changes and contribute to a more sustainable and equitable future.

  • Andrew Martin, 执行副总裁, Cascale

    作为执行副总裁,Andrew 在公司中扮演着战略和运营领导的关键角色。除了持续监督会员、利益相关者参与、集体行动和公共事务团队,作为Cascale的二把手,他还负责推动组织的发展,以扩大其影响力并为会员创造价值。这包括组织更广泛的战略发展,如拓展到新的垂直领域或邻近产品类别、开发新的收入来源以及加强主要合作伙伴关系。 在加入Cascale之前,Andrew 曾在 amfori 担任服务副总裁,这是一个致力于促进开放和可持续贸易的领先商业协会,负责全球运营活动。他不仅在制定组织愿景和战略方面发挥了战略作用,还负责了管理会员服务,并领导实施了全球社会和环境审计评估。这包括启动一项创新的审计诚信计划,以及同类中最大的全球供应链社会和环境绩效能力建设计划。 Andrew 拥有伦敦国王学院的哲学和神学学位,以及埃克塞特大学的工商管理硕士学位。他以优异的成绩获得了“最有可能改变全球思维的论文”称号,并在布里斯托尔大学获得了团队教练研究生资格。Andrew 的职业生涯丰富多彩,包括 20 多年的全球纺织品制造经验。他曾在一家跨国公司工作,拥有自己的咨询公司,最近还在教育和非营利部门工作。他对位于喜马拉雅的不丹王国及其“国民幸福总值”理念特别感兴趣,这是一种以进步价值观为基础的替代模式,用于衡量和指导经济、社会和个人福祉。目前,他居住在英格兰西南部康沃尔郡的海滨小镇卢伊。

9:25 上午 - 9:35 上午

Keynote Speech

In this keynote, Dr. Amaryllis Verhoeven, Acting Director and Head of Unit for Digital Transformation of Industry – Ecosystems II: Tourism & Proximity – in the Directorate General (DG) for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs (DG GROW) at the European Commission will share her perspective on the future of sustainability in the textiles and apparel industry. Drawing from her experience at the heart of EU policymaking, Dr. Verhoeven will discuss the challenges and opportunities facing the apparel and textile sector and the importance of collaboration between policymakers, industry leaders, and consumer organizations to shape a future-proof regulatory framework. Attendees will gain insights into how businesses can adapt to an evolving regulatory landscape while contributing to the EU’s broader goals of environmental and social responsibility.

  • Headshot of Dr. Amaryllis Verhoeven
    Dr. Amaryllis Verhoeven, Acting Director, Tourism, Textiles, Digital Transformation of Industry and Social Economy, European Commission (DG GROW)
9:35 上午 - 10:15 上午

EU Policy State-of-Play for the Textiles and Apparel Sector

This vibrant session will provide an in-depth look at the current state of play of EU legislation impacting the textiles and apparel sector. We will discuss how policies such as the Ecodesign for Sustainable Products Regulation (ESPR) and Green Claims Directive will transform the way products are conceived and produced, to the benefit of consumers and the environment. As we embark on a new political mandate, we will highlight the need for a shared vision and collaborative action between policymakers, industry leaders, and consumer organizations to drive positive change in the sector. Attendees will gain insights into how these evolving dynamics could impact their business strategies and preparations in the coming years.

  • Elisabeth von Reitzenstein, 公共事务高级总监, Cascale

    Elisabeth 是 Cascale 公共事务高级总监。她负责领导公司在全球公共事务、政策和宣传方面的活动,包括带领并不断发展公共事务团队。她还负责推动 Cascale 与政策中心和其他志同道合的伙伴组织的合作。Elisabeth 现居于比利时布鲁塞尔。她在决策程序和公共事务方面拥有十多年的经验,并在可持续发展立法方面积累了深厚的专业知识。她擅长通过建立有针对性的利益相关者联盟和与政策制定者进行持续对话,从战略上维护成员的利益。在加入 Cascale 之前,Elisabeth 曾担任一家公共事务咨询公司布鲁塞尔办事处的负责人,并在欧盟欧洲独立零售协会领导可持续发展部门。她拥有荷兰马斯特里赫特大学的欧洲研究学士学位和管理、经济和国际关系硕士学位,并且都是以优异的成绩毕业。除了母语德语,Elisabeth 还能流利地说英语、法语和西班牙语。Elisabeth 热爱旅行,喜欢结识新朋友、了解不同的文化。她来自德国阿尔卑斯山附近的地区,因此也对徒步旅行、登山和滑雪有着浓厚的兴趣。

  • Headshot of António de Sousa Maia
    António de Sousa Maia, Legal & Policy Officer, European Commission (DG GROW)

    A lawyer by training, Antonio has been involved in EU policy making for the past 10 years. He is involved of late in the regulatory implementation of the EU Strategy for Sustainable and Circular Textiles .

  • Headshot of Isabelle Maurizi
    Isabelle Maurizi, Director General, European Branded Clothing Association (EBCA)
  • Headshot of Marina Prados Espínola
    Marina Prados Espínola, Director of Public Affairs, Policy Hub
10:15 上午 - 10:45 上午

Coffee & Networking

10:45 上午 - 10:50 上午

Video Message from MEP Lara Wolters

  • Headshot of Lara Wolters
    Lara Wolters, Group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament, Member of the European Parliament
10:50 上午 - 11:35 上午

Advancing Sustainable and Fair Supply Chains: The Role of CS3D and the Higg Index

This session will bring together key decision-makers and stakeholders to explore the implementation of the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CS3D), the challenges faced by the textile and consumer goods sectors, and how they can be addressed. Join us to discover how the Higg Index can support navigating these challenges by using data-driven insights to map supply chain impacts, address key requirements, and develop strategies for advancing sustainable and fair practices.

  • Headshot of Lisa Suss
    Lisa Süss, Head of Industry Alignment, Fair Wear Foundation

    Lisa Süss heads the work of Fair Wear Foundation on industry alignment, forging alliances that leverage Fair Wear’s longstanding experience and expertise to transform the industry beyond its frontrunner membership. Earlier, Lisa coordinated the Sustainable Textile Initiative – Together for Change (STITCH) consortium and worked in different roles at Fair Wear Foundation and GIZ.

  • Tom Mason, 公共事务与利益相关者参与高级经理, SLCP

    Tom 在 SLCP(社会劳工整合项目)中负责制定政策和利益相关方参与的战略,他的工作重点是确保 CAF(核心设施认证)得到广泛认可,并且与当前的政策和法律发展保持一致。此外,Tom 还与数据洞察和沟通团队紧密合作,开发基于数据的出版物。他致力于确保与行业和政策制定者共享社会和劳动力数据,以促进政策决策的形成Tom 来自澳大利亚,他有着在国际非政府组织和法律诊所工作的经验,专注于研究全球价值链中的商业与人权问题,以及劳工权利的保护。

  • Jeremy Lardeau, Higg 指数副总裁, Cascale

    Jeremy Lardeau是Cascale Higg 指数的高级副总裁。作为领导团队的一员,他主要负责监督Higg 指数工具套件的战略方向和开发工作。Jeremy 目前常驻于西班牙的巴塞罗那。在加入 Cascale 之前,Jeremy 曾在耐克公司担任可持续发展分析部的高级总监,负责公司的可持续发展报告、绩效管理、数据产品和报告工作。更早之前,他在普华永道会计师事务所的可持续发展业务部担任经理,曾在巴黎、墨西哥城和旧金山的办事处工作。Jeremy 拥有巴黎中央理工学院的工业工程硕士学位。在业余时间,他热爱旅行、跑步和登山,但最享受的还是与他的三个小儿子一起玩耍的时光。

  • Headshot of Dan Dionisie
    Dan Dionisie, Head of Unit, Company Law, European Commission, DG Justice and Consumers

    Dan Dionisie leads the Company Law unit at DG Justice and Consumers, which is responsible for the development of EU policy in the area of company law and corporate governance. Between 2016 and 2023 he led the Economic analysis and evaluation unit, with a mandate to develop the evidence base that underpins justice, consumer, equality and fundamental rights policies. Dan joined the European Commission in 2012 as Head of Unit for Consumer markets at DG Health and Consumers, in charge with monitoring consumer conditions in the EU’s Internal Market. Before the Commission, Dan worked at the United Nations Development Programme on democratic governance, public administration reforms, anti-corruption (1999-2011), as a foreign affairs expert at the Presidency of Romania (1997-99) and as teaching assistant in political science at the University of Bucharest (1995-97). His academic background is in political science and in computer engineering.

  • Headshot of Greta Koch
    Greta Koch, Parliamentary Assistant to Axel Voss MEP, European Parliament

    Greta Koch has been policy adviser to Axel Voss, Member of the European Parliament from the EPP group, since 2020. With Axel Voss being the EPP coordinator of the legal affairs committee, her main focus is on company law. In the last years, she assisted her MEP as shadow rapporteur of the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CS3D), drafted the EPP position and led the technical negotiations.

11:35 上午 - 12:25 下午

Navigating the Future of Sustainable Products: ESPR & the Green Claims Directive

In this panel, we will explore how policies such as the Ecodesign for Sustainable Products Regulation (ESPR) and Green Claims Directive will transform the way products are conceived and produced, to the benefit of consumers and the environment. Join us to gain insights on the state of play these key policies and understand their role in promoting more sustainable value chains in the textile and apparel sector. Hear directly from key policymakers and industry experts and learn how data-driven methodologies for measuring the impact of a product can support more transparency by ensuring sustainability claims are both reliable and verifiable.

  • Quinten Geleijnse, Higg 产品工具经理, Cascale

    Quinten Geleijnse 是 Cascale 的产品工具经理,在确定 Higg 指数产品工具的战略方向方面发挥着核心作用。通过协调和促进 Cascale 网络内各成员的参与,他收集了宝贵的反馈,以确保各项计划能够按照 Cascale 的愿景来确定优先级。Quinten 负责管理Higg产品工具从启动到完成的整个工作流程。他他致力于扩展工具的培训材料,旨在促进工具的广泛采用,并最大化其影响力。在加入 Cascale 之前,Quinten 曾在 Sustainalize 和 ERM 担任可持续发展顾问。他凭借管理多个服装品牌的生命周期评估项目的经验,带来了项目管理的技能以及在生命周期评估和影响测量方法方面的专业知识。Quinten 在开发 的 “旅行可持续徽章 “方面发挥了关键作用,该徽章因其创新性获得了 2023 World Changing Ideas 奖 。 Quinten 拥有能源与可持续发展管理硕士学位。Quinten 现居于荷兰乌得勒支。在日常生活中,Quinten喜欢踢足球和打乒乓球。在假期,他喜欢骑山地自行车、划皮艇以及在风景如画的山区徒步旅行。而每当冬季来临时,他会和家人和朋友一起玩他钟爱的桌游,一起共度愉快的时光。

  • Headshot of Marina Prados Espínola
    Marina Prados Espínola, Director of Public Affairs, Policy Hub
  • Headshot of Katarzyna Sulisz
    Katarzyna Sulisz, Senior Policy Officer, Federation of the European Sporting Goods Industry (FESI)
  • Headshot of Matjaz Malgaj
    Matjaz Malgaj, Head of Unit, ESPR, European Commission (DG ENV)
  • Headshot of Romane Malysza
    Romane Malysza, Public Affairs Strategist, Textile Exchange

    Romane Malysza is Textile Exchange’s Public Affairs Strategist with the Climate+ Impact team. Textile Exchange is a global non-profit driving positive impact on climate change across the fashion and textile industry. It guides a growing community of brands, manufacturers, and farmers towards more purposeful production from the very start of the supply chain.  Romane is focused on developing organizational policy positions while providing Textile Exchange’s subject matter expertise and feedback on policy developments in the EU related to the textile industry (e.g., the Ecodesign for Sustainable Product Regulation, the Green Claims Directive and the Textile Labelling Regulation). She previously worked as Policy Advisor at Microsoft focusing on Sustainability, Energy, and Circular Economy legislation, both in France and at the European Union level. She graduated from the London School of Economics in the United Kingdom and holds a Masters in European Affairs from Sciences Po Paris. Romane is based in Brussels, Belgium.

12:30 下午 - 1:45 下午

Lunch & Networking

1:50 下午 - 2:45 下午

Navigating the CSRD: Best Practices for Effective Sustainability Reporting

Join us for an in-depth discussion on the implementation of the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) to discover best practices for effective sustainability. Hear directly from key policymakers and stakeholders how to best navigate the new CSRD requirements and align your reporting with evolving EU regulations. This session will also explore how the Higg Brand & Retail Module (BRM) and Higg Facility Environmental Module (FEM) offer tailored guidance for apparel, textile, and footwear companies to meet CSRD requirements.

  • Adrián Branco, Higg 指数品牌与零售高级经理, Cascale

    Adrián Branco 是 Cascale Higg 指数品牌与零售高级经理。他负责确保该计划的顺利开发和成功启动,并主导制定战略以提升该计划在行业内的采纳率和扩展性。同时,他还通过战略委员会和成员专家团队来确保 Cascale 成员的积极参与和协调一致。Adrián常驻于西班牙的巴塞罗那。在加入 Cascale 之前,Adrián 曾担任 Desigual 的采购和可持续发展经理,他致力于将这两个领域合并起来,建立一个共同的议程,将采购与可持续发展结合起来,增强协同效应。作为职责的一部分,他领导的项目成功提高了供应链的透明度,改善了可追溯性,并制定了新的路线图。在此之前,Adrián曾担任过多个职位,包括产品健康与安全技术员和采购员。Adrián 拥有圣地亚哥·德孔波斯特拉大学化学系学位和 IESIDE 工商管理硕士学位。

  • Magnus Dorsch, 企业可持续发展主管, About You 公司

    Magnus 是 ABOUT YOU 公司的可持续发展部主管,他领导着公司的可持续发展工作。他的工作职责涵盖了环境、社会和公司治理(ESG)报告的编制、尽职调查、温室气体减排措施的实施,以及管理和推进 ABOUT YOU 公司在可持续发展方面的进一步工作,确保与公司内部决策者的方针保持一致。

  • Headshot of Adele Stafford
    Adele Stafford, Executive Vice President of Growth Initiatives, Worldly

    As the EVP of Growth Initiatives at Worldly, Adele Stafford oversees the team responsible for customer excellence including Customer Success and Account Management.

    Adele brings twenty years of experience working at the nexus of design, technology and strategy toWorldly. Prior to joining Worldly, Adele was the VP of Accounts for Blue State, a digital marketing and communications agency who partners with leading causes, companies and campaigns. Her client roster included Google, Monterey Bay Aquarium (Seafood Watch), UCSF, and Participant Media.

    At Frog Design, Adele was a Director of Client Services, overseeing account growth and business strategy for key clients including Procter & Gamble, Hewlett Packard, and General Electric. She also spent time working in a marketing strategy role for organizations like the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

    Adele is a practicing studio artist and hand weaver whose work is deeply rooted in sustainable fiber agriculture. Over the past ten years, this work has culminated in a project called Voices of Industry, asurvey of the cultural and agricultural context that informs our domestic textile supply chain.

    Adele is a graduate of Rhode Island School of Design with a Bachelor of Fine Art and Simmons College with a Master of Business Administration.

  • Headshot of Bernhard Frey
    Bernhard Frey, Sustainability Reporting Senior Technical Manager, EFRAG
  • Headshot of Kate Frisby
    Kate Frisby, Legal Analyst on Corporate Sustainability Reporting and Sustainable Finance, European Commission (DG FISMA)
2:45 下午 - 3:35 下午

Waste and EPR: What’s on the Horizon?

This session will explore the evolving landscape of waste management and Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) for textiles, focusing on the upcoming amendments to the EU Waste Framework Directive (WFD). We’ll discuss how these changes will impact retailers and manufacturers, particularly through the introduction of EPR schemes that hold companies accountable for the costs of textile waste collection, sorting, and recycling. Cascale members and partners will share their experience and initiatives in this space, offering practical insights into how businesses can prepare for these regulatory shifts and contribute to a more circular economy.

  • Headshot of Jeannette Baljeu
    Jeannette Baljeu, MEP, VVD delegatie in het Europees Parlement/Renew Europe

    Jeannette Baljeu is a member of the European Parliament on behalf of the Dutch People’s Party for Freedom and Democracy (VVD), which is part of the liberal political group Renew Europe. She is a full member of the Internal Market and Consumer Protection (IMCO) committee, as well as a substitute member of the committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety (ENVI). In parliament, she focuses on a sustainable single European market.

    Before Jeannette became a Member of the European Parliament in July 2024, she was Regional Minister of Zuid-Holland (2017-2024) and vice-mayor of Rotterdam (2006-20014), during which time she experienced the practical effects of European regulations. Her work concentrated on the transformation of industry, port and maritime clusters towards a sustainable and circular future. To Jeannette, businesses form the backbone of our society and need clear and workable regulations. Critical raw materials are a concern of high priority to her. In ENVI she will put to good use her experience of water management and water quality issues for which she was responsible in Zuid-Holland. Whereas the previous mandate was all about setting goals, this new mandate will be about #howdoweachievethis.

  • Headshot of Dr. Sarah Gray
    Dr. Sarah Gray, Lead Research Analyst - Textiles, WRAP
  • Headshot of Stephanie Schretlen
    Stephanie Schretlen, Head of EU Public Affairs, H&M

    Stephanie is a seasoned public affairs professional with over 15 years of experience bridging corporate and association advocacy. Currently, as Head of EU Public Affairs at H&M Group, she leads strategic policy initiatives and stakeholder engagement in Brussels. Previously, Stephanie served as a Public Policy Manager for Stakeholder Engagement at Meta and managed key relationships as Stakeholder Engagement Manager at the American Chamber of Commerce to the EU. A Dutch-American national, she combines transatlantic insights with expertise in navigating complex regulatory landscapes, building partnerships that deliver impactful policy outcomes.

2:50 下午 - 4:15 下午

 Partnerships for Progress: Leveraging Open Data and Human Rights Due Diligence for Transparent Supply Chains

Join us for an insightful and interactive session that showcases how strategic partnerships can drive meaningful change in supply chain transparency and human rights due diligence. The session will begin with opening remarks from Cascale, highlighting the importance of the recent partnership between Cascale and Open Supply Hub (OSH) and its alignment with the Fair Wear HRDD Academy’s initiatives.

  • Headshot of Hannah Lennett
    Hannah Lennett, Stakeholder Engagement Director, Open Supply Hub
  • Headshot of Lisa Suss
    Lisa Süss, Head of Industry Alignment, Fair Wear Foundation

    Lisa Süss heads the work of Fair Wear Foundation on industry alignment, forging alliances that leverage Fair Wear’s longstanding experience and expertise to transform the industry beyond its frontrunner membership. Earlier, Lisa coordinated the Sustainable Textile Initiative – Together for Change (STITCH) consortium and worked in different roles at Fair Wear Foundation and GIZ.

3:35 下午 - 4:25 下午

Global Perspective: Examining Key Policy Developments Worldwide

This session will provide a perspective key global policy developments and their far-reaching impacts on the textile and apparel supply chain, from ambitious sustainability legislation in the EU to evolving policies in North America and Asia. We will examine the role of legislation in reshaping business practices across the world, affecting brands, manufacturers, and suppliers alike. We will also explore how EU policies such as the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence (CS3D) and Corporate Sustainability Reporting (CSRD) Directives can effectively drive positive change in our sector while supporting development in partner countries.

  • Andrew Martin, 执行副总裁, Cascale

    作为执行副总裁,Andrew 在公司中扮演着战略和运营领导的关键角色。除了持续监督会员、利益相关者参与、集体行动和公共事务团队,作为Cascale的二把手,他还负责推动组织的发展,以扩大其影响力并为会员创造价值。这包括组织更广泛的战略发展,如拓展到新的垂直领域或邻近产品类别、开发新的收入来源以及加强主要合作伙伴关系。 在加入Cascale之前,Andrew 曾在 amfori 担任服务副总裁,这是一个致力于促进开放和可持续贸易的领先商业协会,负责全球运营活动。他不仅在制定组织愿景和战略方面发挥了战略作用,还负责了管理会员服务,并领导实施了全球社会和环境审计评估。这包括启动一项创新的审计诚信计划,以及同类中最大的全球供应链社会和环境绩效能力建设计划。 Andrew 拥有伦敦国王学院的哲学和神学学位,以及埃克塞特大学的工商管理硕士学位。他以优异的成绩获得了“最有可能改变全球思维的论文”称号,并在布里斯托尔大学获得了团队教练研究生资格。Andrew 的职业生涯丰富多彩,包括 20 多年的全球纺织品制造经验。他曾在一家跨国公司工作,拥有自己的咨询公司,最近还在教育和非营利部门工作。他对位于喜马拉雅的不丹王国及其“国民幸福总值”理念特别感兴趣,这是一种以进步价值观为基础的替代模式,用于衡量和指导经济、社会和个人福祉。目前,他居住在英格兰西南部康沃尔郡的海滨小镇卢伊。

  • Krishna Manda, 企业可持续副总裁, 兰精股份有限公司 (Lenzing Aktiengesellschaft)
  • Headshot of Chelsea Murtha
    Chelsea Murtha, Senior Director, Sustainability, AAFA
  • Headshot of Dorothy Lovell
    Dorothy Lovell, Garment and Footwear Lead, OECD Centre for Responsible Business Conduct
  • Headshot of Marie-Pierre Verenne
    Marie-Pierre Vedrenne, Renew Europe Group, Member of the European Parliament
4:25 下午 - 4:55 下午

Coffee & Networking

4:55 下午 - 5:30 下午

Bridging Sectors: Leveraging the Higg Index and Legislation for Cross-Industry Sustainability

This session will focus on how tools like the Higg Index can extend beyond apparel into sectors like home goods and furnishings, aligning with the evolving regulatory landscape. We aim to discuss how industries can avoid duplication by leveraging existing frameworks, rather than developing new ones, to meet both business and policy goals.

  • Jeremy Lardeau, Higg 指数副总裁, Cascale

    Jeremy Lardeau是Cascale Higg 指数的高级副总裁。作为领导团队的一员,他主要负责监督Higg 指数工具套件的战略方向和开发工作。Jeremy 目前常驻于西班牙的巴塞罗那。在加入 Cascale 之前,Jeremy 曾在耐克公司担任可持续发展分析部的高级总监,负责公司的可持续发展报告、绩效管理、数据产品和报告工作。更早之前,他在普华永道会计师事务所的可持续发展业务部担任经理,曾在巴黎、墨西哥城和旧金山的办事处工作。Jeremy 拥有巴黎中央理工学院的工业工程硕士学位。在业余时间,他热爱旅行、跑步和登山,但最享受的还是与他的三个小儿子一起玩耍的时光。

  • Headshot of Amanda Soler Guzman
    Amanda Soler Guzmán, Advocacy & Engagement Advisor, amfori

    Amanda is a sustainability passionate. In her current position as Advocacy & Engagement Advisor at amfori, she implements amfori’s advocacy strategy across key environmental topics with an impact on global supply chains, such as transparency, deforestation due diligence and climate change. As part of her role, Amanda supports amfori members to stay abreast of policy and legislative trends, and contributes to the development and fine-tuning of amfori sustainability tools so they remain fit for purpose as the legislation evolves.

5:30 下午 - 5:55 下午

Keynote Fireside Chat: Embracing Industry Change and Legislative Readiness

Join Pascal Brun, VP of Sustainability & D&I at Zalando, and Elisabeth von Reitzenstein, Senior Director of Public Affairs at Cascale, for a compelling closing fireside chat. This engaging conversation will reflect on the importance of preparing for upcoming legislative changes and discuss the current state of the industry. Discover the pivotal roles retailers can play in supporting their supply chain partners and gain insights from Pascal’s valuable experience as a former Cascale board director. Don’t miss this chance to hear firsthand perspectives on navigating challenges and seizing opportunities for industry growth.

  • Elisabeth von Reitzenstein, 公共事务高级总监, Cascale

    Elisabeth 是 Cascale 公共事务高级总监。她负责领导公司在全球公共事务、政策和宣传方面的活动,包括带领并不断发展公共事务团队。她还负责推动 Cascale 与政策中心和其他志同道合的伙伴组织的合作。Elisabeth 现居于比利时布鲁塞尔。她在决策程序和公共事务方面拥有十多年的经验,并在可持续发展立法方面积累了深厚的专业知识。她擅长通过建立有针对性的利益相关者联盟和与政策制定者进行持续对话,从战略上维护成员的利益。在加入 Cascale 之前,Elisabeth 曾担任一家公共事务咨询公司布鲁塞尔办事处的负责人,并在欧盟欧洲独立零售协会领导可持续发展部门。她拥有荷兰马斯特里赫特大学的欧洲研究学士学位和管理、经济和国际关系硕士学位,并且都是以优异的成绩毕业。除了母语德语,Elisabeth 还能流利地说英语、法语和西班牙语。Elisabeth 热爱旅行,喜欢结识新朋友、了解不同的文化。她来自德国阿尔卑斯山附近的地区,因此也对徒步旅行、登山和滑雪有着浓厚的兴趣。

  • Photo of Pascal Brun
    Pascal Brun, Vice President of Sustainability and D&I, ZALANDO SE
5:55 下午 - 6:00 下午

Closing Remarks & Farewell

  • Headshot of Gabriele Ballero
    Gabriele Ballero, Manager, Public Affairs, Cascale

    Gabriele Ballero is the Manager of Public Affairs at Cascale. He supports the Senior Director of Policy & Public Affairs in coordinating and undertaking key work streams of Cascale Public Affairs Strategy, delivering widespread and effective government engagement and education to ensure that Cascale and the global consumer goods industry gives more than it takes. He is based in Brussels, Belgium.

6:00 下午 - 7:30 下午

Drinks Reception


Click below to register for the Brand & Retail Forum on December 4! 


For NGOs and academic institutions, use the code NGO_BR30 to receive a 30% discount.

Registration for the Immersive EU Experience on December 5 will open shortly.

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  • Cascale Event

Annual Meeting 2025

 September 15-17
 Hong Kong
 @ 9:00 am - 6:00 pm (HKT)

Join us for the Cascale Annual Meeting 2025 in Hong Kong next September!