About Cascale

Cascale brings together 300 leading apparel, footwear, and textile brands, retailers, manufacturers, sourcing agents, service providers, trade associations, NGOs, and academic institutions – all working toward a shared vision of an industry that gives back more than it takes to the planet and its people.

Photo: Woman dressmaker stands in the factory with cloth in hands.

Cascale for

Higg Index Tools

In order to enable systematic change, organizations need a common language to track and measure their social and environmental impacts. The Higg Index provides this solution, empowering manufacturers, brands and retailers to leverage verified data in order to continuously measure, improve and share their sustainability efforts.

Discover the Higg Index Brand & Retail Module, Product Tools, and Facility Tools.

Success Stories

Find out how joining Cascale has made an impact on our members and their sustainability journeys.

The Impact of Our Community

Together, we’re working towards a more equitable and restorative consumer goods industry. Learn about what we’re doing and the impact we’re making.


Organizations engaged in best practice and knowledge-sharing in 2023


Active Higg Index users in 2023


Members have set or have begun the process of setting Science-Based Targets (SBTs) through our Decarbonization Program

Our Community Members

Meet our members

  • Cascale Event

2024 年年会

 September 09-11
 @ 5:00 pm - 11:00 pm (CEST)

9 月 9 日至 11 日,我们将在德国慕尼黑参加 Cascale 2024 年年会,这是一次仅限会员参加的盛会,聚焦统一影响力的新时代。

Become a Member

Access a global network of industry leaders, innovative tools like the Higg Index, and collaborative opportunities that drive transformative sustainability.

Design Elements Dominos